Fields of Battle, Version 1.3, changes. Always check out our homepage on URL: for the latest upgrades on both the demoversion and the registered version. Here, you can also get some answers to other subjects and answers. Enjoy exploring Fields of Battle, demoversion 1.3 Please report any found bugs to us! Generel ------- a) Climate and Weather. (registered version only) The concept of climate and weather have now been introduced in a new mission "Winter in Russia...". All areas have a climatic type, based on this climatic type and the season of the year the weather condition of the areas is decided at the beginnging of each month. The weather conditions then affects the abilities of each units attack and defence properties. b) Toolbar for selecting menuitems. It's now possible to open a toolbar, with a button for almost every menu item. c) New look and graphics. The online help and encyclopedea now looks much better. d) Bugs fixed. All known bugs in fob have been fixed. e) Advanced PIF system. Popup info fields, when holding the mouse pointer still over icons a text field will popup giving you information. f) Dynamic selection of colors Fob now adjusts it's color palette dynamic, this gives better looking pictures. g) Play-By-Mail support Fob now supports Play-By-Mail (also e-mail) _____________________________________________________________________________ Bevelstone Production I/S email: Poste restante URL: Banegaardspladsen 1A DK-8000 Aarhus C Denmark